In today’s society weight loss is very important indeed – for health, obesity, self-image, and let’s face it, for business. Weight loss is something that many people wish to gain and the methods to achieving this are wide and varying. What if it did not have to cost the earth? Good news. There are homemade foods that can aid weight loss. Let us consider a few of them;
The Weight Loss Benefits of Berries: A Hidden Gem
are the hidden gems of weight loss and are often overlooked. So what is so special about berries? They are often labeled as fat-burning food’ and there are several reasons for this. Berries are very high in antioxidants and other nutrients that protect our cells including fiber which is a key component to weight control. Raspberries have a natural substance called ‘ketones’ which can prevent an overall increase in body weight. Berries are easy to eat and can be added to desserts, yogurts, and cereals.
The Power of Eggs in Weight Loss: A Superfood for Satiety
Look no further than your local farm for eggs otherwise your free-range choice at the local supermarket. Eggs are considered to be a superfood – they contain protein, iron, and healthy fats. Eggs make you feel fuller for longer, so you eat less after a meal containing eggs. New research from ‘The Rochester Center for ObesObesityims that eating eggs can limit the rest of the day’s intake of calories by 400. This is a significant amount so regularly eating eggs is a must for those looking for quick results. Nothing is more simple than preparing a couple of boiled eggs or an omelet. Add some salad or feta cheese!
Spinach for Weight Loss: The Benefits of Thylakoids in Curbing Cravings
is more talked about now for weight loss as the benefits have been experienced by many. Spinach, also considered a ‘superfood’ contains green leaf membranes called ‘thylakoids’ which are beneficial to weight loss. A study conducted at ‘Lund University’ in Sweden found that while eating spinach it was easier to stick to three meals a day and fewer cravings were experienced by participants. Spinach can be used for soup, as a salad, or even add it to an omelet.
The Versatility of Turkey: A Low-Calorie, Carbohydrate-Free Option for Any Meal
It does not have to be Christmas or Thanksgiving to indulge in some roasted turkey and indeed the roasted turkey breast is the lower-calorie option. Turkey is virtually carbohydrate-free and is a food that can be used to replace meat, for example, turkey instead of hamburgers. There is no shortage of ideas for turkey recipes but the obvious is to serve it with some healthy vegetables.
Green Tea: A Top Fat-Burning Food and Its Benefits for Joint Health
Green tea
is considered to be a top fat-burning food. It contains EGEC which is a compound that increases metabolism. Green tea could not be made easier. Make and drink several times a day to get the full benefit from it. Health Benefits of Green tea and how it reduces joint inflammation
The Benefits of Fish for Weight Loss and Health
Fatty fish
should be the number one choice for losing weight and staying healthy. Fish such as salmon and sardines are full of nutrients that speed up fat burning as well as containing omega 3. Fish dishes can be affordable, diverse, and luxurious. Just add a squeeze of lemon, and some herbs and you are ready to eat.
How Nuts Can Curb Cravings and Support Weight Loss
can help weight loss by tackling cravings which is when we are most likely to overeat the wrong kinds of food. Nuts also build muscle so if you are exercising this will benefit you.
Studies are being done to find out more about the properties of avocados for weight loss. So far we know they contain 160 calories, they contain fat-soluble fiber, and monounsaturated fats, which are considered great for weight loss.
The Weight Loss Benefits of Sweet Potatoes: A Fiber-Rich Superfood
Sweet potato’s
are full of fiber and therefore keep us fuller for longer periods. A medium sweet potato contains around 103 calories. They are better consumed with the skin. Properties include resistant starch which has been proven to reduce obesity.
Creating Balanced Meals: How Oatmeal and Other Foods Support Weight Loss
are the ideal way to lose weight – a bowl of oatmeal in the morning can set you up for the day and it maintains steady blood sugar levels, keeping hunger at bay.
All these foods can aid weight loss to differing degrees however it is important to also eat healthy around these foods. So sweet potato with turkey followed by a bowl of berries, not forgetting nuts for an in-between snack for example.